Monday, December 9, 2013

Last letter from NYC!

Today at 12:42 PM
So I am trying really hard not to cry as I write this. As excited as I
am to see everyone, it's quite bittersweet to be writing my last
blogpost/letter. But no worries, there were too many remarkable things
that happened this week for me to spend much more time being mushy

Surprise suprise, I caught another bug. Might of been the flu, idk.
But  I was in bed all day Wednesday. If anything it was kind of nice
being "normal sick" and expected seeing how I get sick EVERYTIME i am
about to be transferred, and well tomorrow is the biggest transfer of
my life!! I felt a sore throat coming on Monday night, and my
companion and district leader were both just recovered from a horrible
cold. I knew where it was going and so I prayed really hard that it
would just hold off until after my temple trip and departing
interview, and it did :)....and then I came home and went to bed and
didn't get out of it till 24 hours later.

So the temple trip was incredible. We all got to ride the subway in
from queens, and I got to do my favorite thing, talk to people on the
subway. Met people from all over the world, Russia, Bangladesh,
Columbia, Gianna, and the Bronx. Met a lot of neat people, and got to
share my testimony. Doesn't get much better than that! Had to work on
not crying while I was talking to one man because I realized it was
probably my last train fearless with a name tag on. What can I say?
I'm of the sentimental sort.

As missionaries we only get to go to the temple and participate Ina
session a few times a year. The temple is different from a church
building. Everyone who enters in has to prepare themselves mentally,
spiritually and in the way they live in their lives. This is because
it is the Lord's house, and we go to commune with him and make sacred
covenants and perform sacred ordinances that are necessary to return
back to him. One reason that I try so hard to be obedient and follow
the commandments is so I can always be found worthy and prepared to
enter into the temple. It really is a window to heaven, and who
wouldn't want to go there? Thankfully there is something called mercy
that allows me to be imperfect and still go and draw strength from it.

Before we went, my mission president encouraged each of us to take
time while in the temple and ask god for his acceptance of your
mission. As part of our accountability to him and an opportunity for
us to feel what our missions meant to him. I was a little nervous as I
always am, but I also knew I had been looking forward to this moment
for a really long time. As I sat down, I began to ponder and think
back over my mission (the good, the bad and the ugy). The night
before, I myself had accepted my mission and came to the temple with
the  attitude "it is what it is" and "I am who I am" I started to
think about my life as I made the decision to go, about how I felt as
I left, and what I expected. I thought of the MTC, first meeting my
amazing trainer Sister Simplicio, my first fearless, learning Spanish.
It was almost like I was reporting my mission to him. I didnt get very
far at all, in fact only till about hurricane sandy when all of the
sudden I was interrupted by the sweetest and most incredible and
powerful feeling that filled my whole soul. The feeling continued and
My mind was then guided through the rest of my mission, through all my
companions, through training, double training, being sister training
leader. I thought of all the members and investigators and people I
had worked with. I took a moment to open my eyes only to realize I
couldn't see through my tears, and my sleeves and lap was wet. I knew
at that moment what my mission president had said was true, that there
really is no better feeling in this world than "Well done my good and
faithful servant." It truly was worth every effort and hard experience
to enjoy that moment in the temple, and there is a peace that has
stayed with me ever since.

Almost every force of opposition tried to keep us from having a
baptism this week. It seemed every night there was something going
wrong. As we said our companionship prayer the night before, we kind
of joked as we prayed that we just expected the next morning to be
stressful and just prayed he would help us navigate through it and
that it would still happen. Our suspicions were true and almost
everything that could go wrong did go wrong, but we made it through.
And though the baptism was stripped of what traditionally makes for a
successful baptism, it was one of the most powerful ones I have
attended, and by the end, the rest didn't seem that important. She
entered into that sacred covenant, and her 16 year old grandson was
the one who baptized her. 4 generations of that family ware now
represented in the church and though not very many people were able to
make it, it was apparent that angels were filling in the empty chairs
and rejoicing in Graciela and her desire to follow Jesus Christ. The
spirit was so strong, and it was absolutely perfect. Also we had the
font clean, full, and warm for them :)

Maybe I will write another post after I come come, maybe not, but if
not I want to close with my testimony that I believe and know that God
lives. And he answers prayers. 3 weeks ago I prayed that I would be
able to finish my mission, get off of all my nasty medications, and
baptize before I went home. At the time it all seemed impossible, but
I can now testify and stand witness that all three have come to pass.
It is nothing short of a miracle. I know Joseph smith was a prophet of God
and that the Book of Mormon is true. Everyone is invited to come, see,
read and pray to know if these bold declarations are true. I know God
loves us and that he sent me on a mission because he loves me and saw
in me what I couldn't see. I am forever changed by the atonement of
Jesus Christ and my experiences I have had on my mission. I also am
forever changing. The work must go forth, this indeed is The
Hastening, and I may be able  to take my name tag off and be realeased
from my calling as a missionary, but that doesn't mean I am leaving
the work. I know my work on this earth is just beginning and I am
excited for the opportunities ahead and future chapters.

I also love this city and the people here with all my heart. I really
will miss them, I feel I already do and know a big chunk of my heart
will be left here because of it. I love my Savior and it has been
nothing but an absolute privilege to not only serve Him but serve
right beside him in His glorious work of bringing forth the immorality
and eternal life of men. How great has been my calling, how
heart-breaking it is to leave it.

Me regret my mission and what has happened here? FORGET ABOUT IT!!!!

Love you all, thank you for your support.
See ya soon!

Forever and Always,
Hermana Megan Chipman

Sent from my iPad

Last NY hotdog

Temple trip with President & Sister Calderwood

Monday, December 2, 2013

Megan's Homecoming and openhouse

Megan is scheduled to come home on the evening of December 11, 2013.  We would love to have you come visit with her in our home during an open house for her on Friday, December 13 between 7-9 pm.  Our address is 9840 S Eliza Ct, Highland Ranch, Co 80126.

Megan will speak to our congregation during  sacrament meeting on Sunday, December 15 at 1pm in the Highlands Ranch Stake Center.  The address is 9800B Foothills Canyon Boulevard, Highlands Ranch, Co 80129. It is the larger building that sits at the back of the parking lot.  We would love to have you join us there too.

Ending with a baptism!

Hola family!                                                                                        Dec. 2, 2013

Where to begin? (I seem to start every letter like that....I am stalling until I know what to write.)

Well first miracle. We are going to have a baptism before I come home! It has been a pretty miraculous and crazy week. So about 4 weeks ago, I came to peace and terms that although I had done my best, I probably was going to be one of those missionaries that didn't get to baptize while on my mission. Not a big deal. Rough because I had always just wanted to experience witness someone I was teaching enter into that covenant. By this time in my mission, it wasn't about proving anything, I just longed for that sacred experience.

About 2 weeks ago, when I was so sick, and I decided to stay. I had a very specific discussion with my loving Heavenly Father. Among other things, I just asked that Sister Glaittli and I could baptize before I go home. I explained how we weren't teaching anyone that seemed all that interested, and if they did, there were barriers that would be keeping them from making that step any time soon. But I felt prompted to pray for it, and so I did, and I knew that with God, all things are possible.

And so I mentioned last week that Graciela is getting baptized right? The miracle has continued to unfold this week. We had a lesson with her on Tuesday about the Plan of Salvation. Usually I have taught it in a couple lessons, because it can take a while. But we don't have much time before the 7th, so we did it in one. Also, SO COOL! I received a powerful prompting to ask how old her grandson is and if he worthily holds his priesthood. I didn't know if that would be too personal, and so I decided it would be better not too. But of course it came again, and so I asked. She said he is 16, and yes that he helps with the sacrament every week. I then asked if she would like her son to baptize her. (Priests, usually 16-18 years old, can baptize in our church as long as they worthily hold the Aaronic Priesthood). She got really excited, and when we visited her on Friday, her grandson, Jonathan, was there and he is very excited to be able to baptize his grandmother. He will be getting a recommend from his Bishop this week so he can baptize her on Saturday!

We also had to pack the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the "big three" commandments. We call it the big three because they are the commandments that require usually the most drastic changes in someone’s life. (Word of Wisdom (No coffee, tea, alcohol, tobacco), Law of Chastity (abstinence outside marriage), and Law of Tithing (Donate 10% of all our income to the church). She understood, accepted, and committed to live all of them. The spirit was so strong.

And then yesterday happened….. Probably my most stressful sacrament meeting ever! The meeting started and Graciela wasn't there. I stood in the doorway so I could still see my companion, but greet her when she came. I started to get nervous, because if she didn't come to church that week, her baptism would have to be pushed back. Which would be fine, just not what she or we wanted. (She is so prepared and ready!). The sacrament hymn started so I took my seat, and prayed so hard that she would come. Just as the hymn closed, I closed my prayer, and there she was outside the chapel door! Problem was that the sacrament had already been blessed, and so the doors were closed while the sacrament was being passed. And usually, people aren't to enter the chapel while the sacrament is happening. Just because of the sacred nature of the ordinance. Well, poor thing, she didn't know that, so she went to open the door when the man by the door, somewhat harshly shut the door and told her "No puede pasar" (or "you can’t come in") after that, her face wasn't in the door way anymore. We had assumed she would sit in the lobby with the other late comers until the ordinance was completed 10 min later. Immediately after the bishop dismissed the Aaronic priesthood to sit with their families, we BOLTED out the door. She was no where to be found. We called her, and she was already on a bus halfway to Brooklyn because she knew she could go to church at the LDS church there. We explained to her that we were sorry for what had happened and that she was welcome to come back and if she did, she could still be baptized on Saturday. But she was embarrassed (which makes sense, that usually doesn't happen!) and said she would talk to us on Tuesday.

We got off the phone and I was devastated. Just like that, it wasn't going to happen. I was fine but it was just hard. I had wanted the opportunity to attend her baptism, and then it was taken away. I was praying so hard for a miracle. Just then, Braulio, a member in the ward and a recently returned missionary, came down the hall with his phone in his hand. He asked where she went (he saw what had happened) and we explained the situation. I then couldn't help it but started crying, just a little, but it meant a lot to me to be apart of it. He then had me dial her number, and he talked to her and invited her and through loving words convinced her to come back. We waited in the lobby this time. She came for the last 10 min of sacrament meeting  and she enjoyed it.

We explained to her the situation and she seemed fine with it. She just thought that the man meant that she couldn't come in for the rest of the meeting and she still wanted to go to church so she jumped on a bus to go to one she knew she could enter into. Also the man came up and apologized which was very sweet. It all worked out. She is still getting baptized by her grandson, and it will be a great privilege to witness a completion of 3 generations baptized in the church--all on my last weekend.

God really is a God of miracles. And even though it may feel like or look like it is going to work out, God always finds a way to remind me that all these things are really in his control. Just ask Dad, I have never been good at the "trust fall" game haha. I always put my foot back. But I am getting better at it on my mission. And maybe all this is just God playing that game with me too, he is my father after all. But it is working, and without fail, He always proves to me that I can trust him, and as He does, life doesn't seem so scary. Still got a lot of fear to curb (particularly about coming home and dating ahhh! haha), but He is with me and knows what he is doing, and I can trust that. I am so grateful for answered prayers, especially those answered in ways I didn't originally want.

 I love you all! Can't believe I am writing this but, see ya soon!!!!


I love you all! Can't believe I am writing this but, see ya soon!!