Monday, November 19, 2012

Miracles seem to follow us

Dear Family,
Good luck with your race this week! I am sorry you can't run this year mom, what a bummer. I guess this year will be up to Allie, Chip and Dad to carry on the family turkey day 5k legacy ha-ha. But Stephen, check and make sure its okay for you to run it. NCAA can be crazy about these things during the year, so I would ask your coach if you haven't already. I love hearing about what you are doing for thanksgiving too! Have fun with the Burgoynes! You will have to give them all hugs for me :). Oh and Stephen, I met Danny's brother once in the Marriott School. He is very nice if you haven't met him yet.
For thanksgiving we are having a big lunch for the whole mission tomorrow, and zone turkey bowls on Thursday. Hopefully the elders will actually throw the sisters the ball ha-ha. Then the dinner invites are building. The ward members see it as a great honor to have the missionaries over, all of them. So we will see how it plays out...I am kind of nervous ha-ha. Also some of the communities we have helped out have invited us to their feasts.
Service this week has been nuts, but great. The work is getting really nasty because of the mold that is beginning to set in. We also are branching out. Our zone got sent to Far Rockaway this weekend. As some of the elders that serve there call it, the "Hood." It is neat to serve so many different people. They also all have nasty crawl spaces.
Yesterday we had a really powerful experience. We were helping a black lady named Bonnie. She is a single mother of 2 teenagers. She had a crawl space that needed cleaning. We started with a prayer with her as we usually do and blessed her, her family and her home and then got to work. Probably the nastiest experience of my life. Imagine this, a 4 foot ceiling, a space covering the entire bottom of the home, full of fallen soaking wet and moldy insulation. I got to be the lucky few who endulged. We spend 2 hours down there ripping apart the insulation and shoving it out of a little vent hole and the trap door. We still had fun doing it. It was me with 3 members down there. There was a nursing student, actress, and personal trainer all from the manhattan singles ward, it was an interesting mix haha. It smelled so bad that one of the girls was threating to puke (it was that gross) and I quickly told her (half way joking haha), that we are all on that edge and so she better not or we all will haha. Anyway, we were hurrying to finish because bonnie had her dialysis appt. When we did finish, we crawled up and she was so grateful that she hugged us even though we all smelled like we had been playing in a moldy crawl space. She also went on to say that while we were working she got a call from the hospital saying that they had a kidney for her and were ready to operate today. She had been waiting for that call for 9 years! My companion was with her when she got the call, and Bonnie immediatley attributed the blessing to the prayer we had offered. What a miracle. We asked if we could leave with a prayer she exclaimed, "of course! I could sure use another one of those!"
It is nasty work but I am so grateful to be able to serve these people like this. It also is amazing to witness the miracles that seem to follow us, more than just cleaning basements. I know God lives and that this is His work. I love you all! Have a great week!

Megan is pictured in this week's Church News!  See the article and the picture at :

Sister Megan Chipman of the New York New York South Mission carries a box as part of clean up Belle Harbor in the New York City Borough of Queens.


New York Daily News article about the Helping Hands volunteers- Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Read article at

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