Monday, June 17, 2013

God always fulfills his promises--even the little ones

June 17, 2013

Wow this week was insane, and insanely good. I left the area on 3 exchanges (Flushing and Lynbrook Spanish and English) and we switched pads (a NYC way of saying apt) with the Elders. Still haven't caught the marijuana source, but the Elders were kind and let us switch. We also have been working really hard and reached our highest numbers in terms of proselyting key indicators. I am exhausted but still feel relatively clear headed and am happy. Miracle of being in the service of the Lord, we still manage to keep going.
It has been raining SO MUCH! Even the long-time long-islanders are complaining about it. The heavens open and it is an almost instant flood on the highway, or an instant soaking as soon as you step out of the car ha-ha. But we are safe and getting by, and now I understand why it is so green here. I have also learned what hydroplaning is (to a Colorado driver like me it feels like moving ice). Thankfully my companion has become an avid NYC driver and so is teaching me all the tricks.

Miracle of the week:
Just before I left flushing, I got the stomach flu really bad. We actually had a lesson with Juan Carlos (one of our investigators) and I was so sick that we had to stop the lesson and I needed to go home. The next morning, my district leader gave me a priesthood blessing promising me that a reason I was so sick was so that I could exercise faith and ask for the blessing, be healed, and testify of the experience to Juan Carlos to help him realize the power and effect him holding the priesthood could have on his family. I felt better at a miraculous rate and looked forward for the opportunity to see testify of my experience to Juan Carlos. Sadly, we couldn't get in contact with him in time and I had to leave without saying goodbye and wondering how it would all come to pass...until this past week!

As we were praying about our exchange with Flushing, we knew that I should go and be with Sister Dean (my 2nd trainee :) ) and my companion would bring Sister Powell (My first trainee) with Sister Norton (her new trainee, Sister Powell is now double training too!). When we called the day before to tell who would be with who and all, they told me Juan Carlos had moved to New Jersey! (It was sad). We met them in the Flushing chapel where they were teaching someone after English class......IT WAS JUAN CARLOS! I guess they still are teaching him after English class while they are trying to figure it all out with the New Jersey Missionaries. They told him I was coming and he came! We made the switch I sat down, and after the usual salutations. He asked about how I have been since the last time I saw him. And with that, Sister Dean asked me about how I was able to get better (she remembered the blessing). I shared the experience and testified of the truth of the priesthood and how God needed him to hold the priesthood so that he can bless his family and many lives. The spirit was very strong. At first I was kind of hesitant because I didn't want to "force" the miracle. But as I prayed in my heart, I knew it was the right time and place.  The spirit also loosed my tongue, it had been a good month since I had been in a lesson in Spanish, and so I was praying very hard, but the spirit came through (as always) and I was startled with how fluently I was able to speak and understand.
God always fulfills his promises, even His small ones. I think sometimes as missionaries we categorize our missions by transfers (6-week periods) and areas, but I learned that our Heavenly Father sees and plans past those things. It is all part of a grander picture. It is neat to go back to an old area, even for a day, and see how the work of the Lord is progressing after I left it. This experience also has built my faith in the promises that God makes through his authorized servants. The priesthood is real. And I know that it is through the priesthood (my setting apart) that I have the authority to promise blessings to the people I teach and come in contact with. And my power as a missionary is all about carrying the spirit through worthiness.
Fun connection, I went on an exchange with a Sister Freeze and it turns out that her cousins are the Spears in the Stake! How fun is that! If you see them, tell them that she is a fantastic missionary :)
I love you and loved hearing all about trek!! I am glad you had a fun and spiritual week. Keep being great!
Hna Chipman

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