Monday, August 19, 2013

We hit all our goals for the first time!

Ah man! Dr. Johnson never told me that I could call you with the results! Oh well, I really didn't get the test till tuesday, or the results till Saturday morning. But what's important is that I don't have mono. And I finally just called one of the ENTs that the ER told me to look up. We went on Thursday. Not the most enjoyable experience....(I got a camera up my nose and vacuum in my ears....pleasant). But all in all, he said everything looked normal, even my throat and tonsils. He says that I have a lot gook up my nose and so he thinks it is Sinusitus, which apparently can really wipe you out. The Dr. office will be calling me and scheduling a cat scan of my face. Wow did it feel good to go see a doc! Also, things finally went through to go see a counselor in manhattan about the stress, which I am suprisingly relieved and excited about. I am going on Friday. He certainly helped Sis Mortensen, and so I am sure it wont hurt.  Usually this would be a big smack to my "perfectionist and independence pride"....okay it really has been haha but I guess that is what got me here in the first place. Still feeling about the same if not a little better, but Its been a miraculous weeks of breakthroughs! For that I am grateful!

Oh and by the way. Last p-day, I went to an Uzbek Salon near our home in Bethpage. I told him,"I am sick of my hair, I need a change and I want it short. Preferrably an  A-line bob, but whatever you want to do." The hairdresser's eyes got all big, and looked like a giddy kid at christmas. So yep, I am back to how you like my hair daddy :) and I really love it too! At first it was a shock, but I am grateful I did it, and it is much more missionary schedule friendly than the crazy mane!! (the poor Uzbeck girl who had to clean up the mess!

Oh and yea, I know all the missionaries in those segments. Elder Walton and Munday were our APs, Sister Bradfield is about my "age" in the mission and is from CO, and Sis Allen is one of my dear friends, and probably one of the most powerful missionaries to come through NYNYS. (Video clip about what it is like to serve as two sister missionaries in Megan’s area)

Also, checkout the ( Frank is one of the counselors in the branch presidency and his wonderful wife Thea serves in the branch as well. They are such a huge contribution and are larger than life. Probably one of my favorite couples on this island. Wow do I love them! And they have their own video so check it out!

Oh and yes I did see Elder Keenan Mueller (from the Highlands Ranch Ward)!! My last Zone Leader is his trainer. He is serving on the south shore of Long Island in Freeport, one of his trainer's favorite places to serve. He sent your Hi to me, don't you worry :).

Also, this week, for the first time in my mission, we hit every single one of our number goals that we set for ourselves!! We were so happy. My mission president says that reaching a goal just does something to elevate the human heart. He couldn't be more right. The interesting thing about it all too was that it wasn't even that we worked harder this week or anything. People were put in our path, we acted on the promptings we received and miracles occurred. Also, it had a lot to do with the members. We have worked more and more closely with ward members, and are finding more and more people to teach than what we could ever do on our own. The longer I am out here, the more I realize that all of us, members and missionaries alike are striving for the same goal of the salvation and exaltation of our brothers and sisters. The more unified we are, the more success we find.

So just a list of the miracles....

We had an FHE on Monday night with our investigator from Austria. It was set up by our Ward Mission Leader Joe Resaballa, and was at his house out in Coram. A lot of people came despite the drive and the spirit was so strong! We taught the rest of the restoration and the members helped her recognize that the good feelings she felt and the joy she feels as she meets with the missionaries and studies the Book of Mormon is the spirit witnessing to her that it is true. We felt prompted to invite her to be baptized, even though we didn't plan it. She is seriously considering it, and the spirit was so strong!!

On Tuesday, we met with a friend of one of our ward members. We helped our member invite his friend to meet with us the missionaries and we had a powerful restoration lesson with him. At first he was really leery of the Book of Mormon because of the scripture in Revelations  22:18 (18  For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book):. Another member who came, Vanity, acted on the spirit and invited him to open his heart. We were then able to direct him to Deutoromeny 4:2 which says essentially the same thing ( Ye shall not  add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.) and explain that the Revelation scripture only applies to the book of revelation, otherwise the whole New Testament would be obsolete according the Deut 4:2! The spirit was strong, and he understood and is now reading the Book of Mormon.

We were able to meet with a less-active living in Huntington. So horrible on our part! We realized we couldn't make it because of the FHE on Monday, but forgot to tell him! He waited for us too! We apologized profusely, and made him a cake. Thankfully he forgave us, and now just teases us about it.....but we had a lesson with him and brought Vanity too. Again, Vanity followed the spirit and said what was needed to be you see a pattern? Members are EVERYTHING!!!!

Oh and also, our ward mission leader was able to take our investigator from austria to a baptism that happened in Bay Shore. We went too, but we couldn't drive her. We were stressing because we were going to be late because we couldn't leave till after church and it was a good 25min away. Our GPS took us the LONGEST way possible and we hit every light. After a certain point we just laughed. Thankfully it all worked out and we made it in time. And our friend liked it. She was shocked at how forceful the Elder baptized the new convert, but we assured her that she could choose who baptized her. That made her feel better :)

Well this is a long email, and we need to be off to our Zone activity. Just know that I love you! I miss you! And that Heavenly Father is taking good care of me :) Keep up the great work! I know this church is true and everything it declares to be. Heaven is not closed, Angels are real, love is eternal, and I know all of this because I experience every day. The Book of Mormon is true. Jesus Christ. He Lives and I am grateful that he lets imperfect people like me come and be perfected in Him.

Till next week!

Love, Hna Chipman

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