Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Last letter from the MTC :)

Hey family!
Sorry this email is getting out later, Sis Mortensen had some appointments she had to go to this morning.
I got all your letters last night and they all made me really happy and miss you a lot! They also made me excited to call this monday! This email isn't as entertaining, it is more of a housekeeping one. But I will try to type fast so I can get to the good stuff :)
Though now that I think about it, this is the good stuff! I leave the MTC in 5 DAYS!! We have to report to the MTC travel office this Monday September 10th by 3am (killer!) and then here is some of my flight info:
I am flying out of SLC at 5:56am, then landing in DENVER 7:27am (seriously, I know haha)
Then I fly out of DENVER at 8:34am and arrive at the Laguardia airport in NY at 2:09pm (It will be really weird and hard to not get to see you in Denver, it will be a strange short stop home).
Entonces, (there really isn't a good enough english translation but it is like so/then haha) I will be calling you sometime between 4:30am and 5:15am, and then around 7:45am. I can talk to you as long as we want as long as I get on my flight, also I have to wait in line to use the calling card (which I bought today for $5). I am really sorry it is so early, but that is all the time I got. Also, I guess leaving messages takes a ton of minutes, and so I think I will just keep calling till someone picks up (so also please turn your cell phones all the way up so I get to talk to you). I understand it is super early and so Dear Elder me if this works. Also Stephen, I can call you but I need your phone number! So please don't forget to send me it. I think I am going to try to call home when I am in SLC and then Stephen for the brief time in Denver and maybe home again. I have no idea and I don't know how many missionaries need to use the pay phones.
Also, Don't Dear Elder me anything after thrusday night because we don't get dear elder's on Saturday and we don't get mail after 2pm on Saturday.
Wow, 5 min for more of the fun stuff.
1st thank you SO much for the suprise package!! I wrote you more about it, but it literally made a rough week awesome. Also thanks for sending me the pictures! Good times :) and I love the pics of you guys climbing the 14er (I need to climb one of those when I get home). You all look great :)
I guess there isn't much time to tell any stories. I am getting really excited about going into the field. The Lord is merciful to all of us. I am learning the powerful lesson that I haven't quite grasped before and its that life isn't about doing things perfectly, its all about repenting and changing. It's all about turning our hearts to Jesus Christ, that is what repentance is. It's all about doing the best we can with what we have and the best we can do is repent. I am still plenty nervous but I know that through repentance, God can make weak things strong unto me and Heaven will surround me. I know it is the same for everyone of God's children.
Love you!!! Talk to you soon!

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