Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Fire Alarm during the Morning Shower :-o

Hello family!! Como le va? (How is it going?)                                   Aug. 29, 12


Thank you so much for the awesome package and the letters!! I got the package slip on Monday night and retrieved my package yesterday morning. It was awesome! Thank you for the necklaces and earrings!!! I chose the pink one and gave the other to Sis Mortensen like you said and she LOVES them. She is actually wearing them right now as she is ferociously typing next to me ( email is a rat race here). I immediately put on mine yesterday and it made me feel very loved all day, so thank you. Also thanks for filling me in on everything. Stephen, it is so weird knowing that you moved to Provo a week ago and I didn't hear anything about it till I got Dad's letter on Mon, and Mom's letter last night. Way to be 3rd in the Dating contest! What can I say, my little bro is a dating king and he has only been a BYU student for 3 days :p.

Well, its crazy, but in a week and a half, I will be in NYC!!!! I get my travel plans tomorrow!!!!!! (I forget that people actually leave the MTC haha). I won't get to call you like Seth did though, because I have a p-day after I get my travel plans, but I do get to call you at the airport. I will send you more info in the letter I will write you today :)

Funny story....At 6:40am on Monday morning, our residence hall was buzzing as usual with all of us sisters getting showered and ready the day (which begins at 7). All of the sudden, my roommate (who btw knows the Carneys (sp?) her name is Sister Hansen and she is from Littleton!) comes in, grabs a towel and warns us that the fire alarm is going to go off because someone burnt something in the microwave. My companion and I go out to inspect and indeed the whole floor was full of smoke and the fire alarm went off. We, knowing the cause, grab our tags and go down the stairs to exit the building. The problem was that all of the showers were of course full, and so we had a hord of sister missionaries in towels exiting the building into the MTC campus. What a nightmare! Haha! Luckily a lot of sisters who were clothed had towels in their hair that they donated and so they were well covered. Also luckily our building is on the edge of campus so there weren't very many elders around. We also formed a circle around the sisters like a bunch of yaks. Oh it was pretty hilarious. I guess the whole thing started when this sweet Asian sister microwaved some corn. The floor still smells like smoke, but at least we have a great story from it!

I am so blessed and happy. The people here are incredible and I love them very much. We are like a big family. Sis Mortensen and I are 2 of 4 sisters in our entire branch now. When I go to leadership meetings, I am the only sister in the meetings which is definitely different than I am used to haha. All the elders in my zone are incredibly sweet and respectful towards us.  Their mothers have definitely taught them well.

I am very, VERY, nervous about entering the field in just over a week. I feel like I don't know any Spanish and that NYC will be very different than anything I have ever known. At the same time, I couldn't be more excited. I will soon be ACTUALLY doing what I have been talking about doing for the past 7 months. I know that Jesus Christ lives and that this is His kingdom upon the earth. I know that the covenants necessary for salvation have been restored through the prophet Joseph Smith. I also know with all my soul that the work I am engaged in is real and the most important work on this earth, the very work of God, the salvation of souls. I am scared out of my mind to enter the field, but I have faith and am very much humbled by my calling, which if you think about it is the most powerful combination on this earth for it is through our faith and humility that God works His mighty miracles and commands the very heavens to shake for our good. I have faith; I know I can do it.

I love you all!

Hermana Chipman

PS Amigos: some of you I haven’t had the chance to write, can you dear elder me your new addresses if you have moved since writing me? Thanks!

PPS Chipper and Allie, I want to hear from you if you get a chance. Also chip, I have a letter for you, what's your address?

PPPS Mom, can you send that package to NYC? Can you believe it is that time?

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