Saturday, August 25, 2012

I'm feeling much better :)

NOTE TO READERS: Megan called home on Saturday. She got the stomach flu and missed class for two days and so the MTC sent her to a doctor (I guess that is MTC policy). She ended up in the emergency room because it was a weekend and appendicitis was suspected. Everything was fine, but she got to call home for 7 minutes to explain the future emergency room bill that would be coming home :- /

Hola!!                                                                                                              8/25/12

Thank you so much for your letters and prayers. They have sure meant a lot. I also am guessing this is a much anticipated email seeing how the last time I talked to you was a 7 min phone call explaining that I had been in the emergency room all morning but for you not to worry. It was wonderful talking to you and hearing your voices! Made me realize how much I miss you.

Yes, I am feeling much better thanks. The real battle has been the fact that couldn't eat very much at all (thankfully I am beginning to be able to return to my normal diet) and so I now know what my newly discovered hypoglycemia feels like. Its definitely been a rough past week, but I have been able to stay in good spirits. The Lord truly is always there to comfort us, and I don't know if I have ever felt the comfort and supporting hand of the Lord like I have this past week. I also have again experienced the true power of prayer and the priesthood and that the Lord does take care of His missionaries. On Saturday night, I was feeling really weak from not eating hardly anything for a few days. In my prayers, I prayed that I would somehow be able to keep going and have the energy I needed to go to my meetings on Sunday and to carry out all the responsibilities of a missionary, and prayed that I could somehow find some "flu food" to eat throughout the day. I told Him if I had the right food, I could do it. The next morning in Sacrament meeting, one of the branch presidency's wives received a distinct prompting that she needed to go get me some "flu food" (bananas, soda crackers etc.). During the hour between Sacrament meeting and Relief society (we don't have Sunday School here) She went to the only grocery store that was open on Sunday in Provo and picked some up for me. It was truly an answer to my prayer and even though I haven't felt well, I have been able to attend all of my meetings classes, and have been able to snack on the food whenever I need it. A true blessing. I know that our prayers are heard and answered, and as you said in your letter Dad, it is most often answered through other people.

Also, funny story, on Saturday night, I told my companion that I was excited for Sunday because it is a day with a lot of down time so I could spend most the day in bed if I still needed too, and still go my meetings. Well, before our 8am Sacrament meeting, I got the assignment of coordinating sister in the zone, which means that I had meetings all day long. The Lord truly strengthens us. I could have totally taken another sick day if I needed, but the miracle was that I didn't need to. It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes that is to the effect of "A lot of the work in this church is done by people who don't feel well."

Last night was one of the most powerful parts of my MTC experience. An apostle came and spoke to us, Neil L Anderson. It was President Monsen's Birthday and so he talked a lot about him and what he would say if he were here. He then bore powerful testimony of the Savior. I got great seats (yay for singing in the choir!) and it was an unforgettable experience to be so close to a witness of Jesus Christ bearing powerful testimony of Him. I testify the there are apostles and prophets today and that they bear true witness of the Savior. I also know that Jesus Christ lives and that this work that I am engaged in is divine. It is each of our duty's in this life to become deeply converted to Him and His gospel and help others do so!

Oops, I am over time. I love you all! Good Luck with getting Chipper moved out and moved into BYU. Stephen, I am so proud and excited for you!! (I have trouble sitting still just thinking of you at the Y). It truly has become a home for me and I know it will to you too. Just remember to have fun, care for others, and try to make friends with everyone. Also mom and dad told me about the team. THAT IS AWESOME!!! Good luck with the tryouts, you will be awesome. Run fast and enjoy running with some of the fastest athletes in the country!!! (Also tell my friends Taylor Farnsworth and Nate Fletcher hi for me :) )



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