Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hola Familia! Como le van?                                                                          

(I was told I need to include translations...that means how is it going :) )                                                                                                    

This week has been another powerful week in the MTC. This has probably been one of the rougher weeks, and at the same time, I feel it has been the most powerful. This week has been a week of opposition and testing, but I have learned that such testing is always followed by great blessings. I have personally experienced the reality that the adversary often attacks right before and after great spiritual moments. I am beginning to just expect that before a fireside, going to the temple, teaching a powerful lesson, or other great spiritual experience, I feel icky. One night, I was confused about how I could feel so discouraged and disheartened one moment, and then so spiritually full and joyful the next. As I was falling asleep, a thought popped into my mind, "Take it as a compliment, the adversary wants to take you out because he feels threatened by you." It is so funny how I have known that all my life and yet as a missionary, I am learning it at a much deeper level. I am also learning the power of our covenants in these hours of distress. One of my teachers shared with us a scripture in D&C 35: 24: "Keep all the commandments and covenants by which ye are bound; and I will cause the heavens to shake for your good and Satan shall tremble." I love this. Living righteously does not guarantee the absence of temptation and sorrow, but the deliverance from it as we trust in God. I really am happier then I have ever been, and I know it is because I am forced to rely on and trust in God more than I have ever had to. Being a missionary is so awesome :)

The MTC is pretty much the same day in and day out. Really the only thing that has changed since I have gotten here is myself. Thus, it is amazing what we missionaries find entertaining (I find it proof that we are all going slightly insane haha). On Friday evening, we were in our 5th hour of class for the day and pretty beat. As I have mentioned before, our classroom is on the 5th floor, and our room has a window with a beautiful view of Y Mountain and Spanish Fork. All of the sudden, a big brush just appeared on the window (they were washing it) and it startled all of us (my companion and another elder gave out a yelp....see I am not the only jumpy person in this world haha). We all laughed and then like a trance all watched the brush clean the window.....we were all in a good minute of it was the coolest and most entertaining thing that we have seen since we have been here (which it probably was). Our teacher gave us all 30 more seconds to watch it. It was pretty hilarious, especially seeing how we all even talked about it with the other districts. Their windows also got cleaned and it turns out that they were all startled and entertained by it also, some elders even took out their cameras to take pictures of it. I am cracking up as I am writing about this.

The MTC is a wonderful place, and I am getting excited to go to NYC (4 more weeks!!!). I am so grateful for all of your prayers, I really do feel them. Spanish is really hard, but it is slowly coming. This gospel is true and this reality is sinking deeper and deeper into my heart each and every day, especially when I teach it in Spanish. There is no way I could do this alone and it is a huge comfort to know that I will never have to.

Also, I got all your letters last night, and it was wonderful to hear from you!! I love you and miss you dearly. I will send you letters later today!


Hermana Chipman

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