Monday, October 22, 2012

My Spanish is really coming along

Hola Family!!

Wow it was great to read about everything happening and wow is everything changing and really exciting. I will write more about it in my letters to you this week :). But I will say this, Allison! You are SOO fast!

Also Stephen Happy Birthday!! I am sending you a birthday package to home, because you are going to state right? :) Be excited!!

Oh and of course a shout out to my MVHS cross country team, GO GET EM!!! I expect a detailed report on how it all went down :)

Well here in NYC, the cars are still whizzing, the people are still yelling and honking and we are still walking everywhere and preaching the gospel. Today marks an important date, I finished my first transfer!! (6 weeks). And the new missionaries are flying in today (so I am no longer the newbie :) ). I am still a trainee and will be staying here in Rego for at least another transfer and probably more, we shall see.

Also something crazy, with the new missionaries coming in we will reach 200 missionaries in our mission. With in the next 2 transfers we will reach 250!!!!! (we are getting 80 new missionaries in the next 3 months!!!) And this has nothing to do with the announcement. We are all really excited to see our force growing at such a rapid pace. You are right; I haven't mentioned yet what we all think of the new announcement. We are all really excited because it will definitely spike our numbers (especially as sister missionaries, there are only 28 of us in the mission, and that should soon change!!! It is really funny, a lot of the elders are "lamenting" the fact that they will have no one to date when they get home because all the 19 and 20 year old girls will be on missions ha-ha. I have to admit, I had to fight being envious of the girls who get to go at 19 because I wanted to go so bad! But I was gently reminded by a loving Heavenly Father that He needs me here now :).

My Spanish is coming at a miraculous pace. I often find myself talking to someone in Spanish, and then not realizing that I am just learning and till we are into the conversation and I ask them to repeat something. Definitely not me, I worked my tail off in High School trying to learn Spanish and I got A's but could never speak it. It is all about having the spirit. There was one particular day this week when I didn't have the spirit with me as I should. Every time I tried to speak Spanish, I felt like I had rocks in my mouth. I couldn't get ANYTHING to come out, and I hardly could understand anything. That night, I went home and repented of what I knew was in the way and made things right. The next morning, I strived extra hard to be exactly obedient in my studies and I could feel the spirit with me again. I could speak Spanish with more ease than I had ever before. The gift of tongues is real and is inseparable to the spirit. I know also that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is real and I am so grateful for the power and ability to change, improve and enjoy the blessings of the spirit in my life.

Well this week has been REALLY tough. 2 of our favorite families dropped us because the Dad's said no more. This taught me the importance of teaching FAMILIES together, because that way they can feel and enjoy the spirit together.

I know that what I am doing is real. I testify that Jesus Christ lives. I never imagined that standing for and living for such a testimony would be so hard and attract SO much opposition. A mission is not for the weak in heart or mind. It is not for those who seek to gain or even want just something to do. A mission is for those who are willing to give and to give it all. I am grateful for all of you and for growing up in a family who lives for their testimonies and gives all to stand by these truths.

Love you all and have a great week!!



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