Monday, September 30, 2013

Learning to lean on incomplete faith rather than fear

Wow, what a crazy week! But we are hanging in there :) and miracles are happening everywhere. We were able to go with Gus to the temple on Saturday, and were even able to do an endowment session right before it while the rest of the branch toured central park. I am so grateful for the temple and the peace and spirit that reside there. I am so grateful for the power that also comes from the temple. I feel like the power of temple attendance doesn't always all come right at once, or even when you are inside it's holy walls, but is most powerfully manifest in the days and weeks between our visits. I think it is because it not only refines us, but builds us, changes us and reminds us of who we are.
I also got to speak in Sacrament Mtg yesterday. I haven't done that since I gave my farewell talk last July. Thankfully, the only talk I have given on my mission so far has been in English! I also got to talk on Elder Holland's "Lord, I Believe" talk from this past General Conference. He talks about the story of the Father with the boy who was possessed by an evil spirit. The apostles were unable to heal them. In desperation the father cried out to the Savior, "If thou canst do anything, have compassion on us" to which the savior replies, "If thou canst believe, all things are possible." To which the father straightforward cries out, "Lord, I believe, Help thou mine unbelief. " At that the Savior, healed the boy, and all were amazed. What I love about this story and this talk, is that it reminds me that the faith, hope, light and anything that is good that is within me is more important and powerful than my doubts and fears. Often times I fall into the trap of thinking that if I am scared, then I have no faith, because faith is the opposite of fear. What I learned as I prepared and gave a talk on this topic was that yes fear and faith cannot co-exist, but I am learning that is more about which you LEAN on, and LEAD with that makes the difference. This father cried out with all the faith he had and leaned on it, and though it might of been partially incomplete, the required quality of faith was there, and the miracle was able to be performed.

We do need to build our faith, and I think more importantly, we must be loyal to the faith that we already do have, before it can grow. And it is so good to know that God does not condemn concerns, questions or doubts. It is just a matter of what you put forth first, your faith, or your fear, and if you turn to Him to help you with your fear.

I know God Lives and that He loves us. I know that our Beloved Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ is the Master Healer and that it is only through Him that we can return to our Heavenly Father. I also know that I do not know everything and sometimes I find the storms within and around me to be overwhelming, but I know the voice that the seas obey, and I strive to lead out with that faith and knowledge.
I love and cherish you all! Enjoy General Conference and invite a friend to come to it. Who doesn't want to listen to Modern and Living Prophets, and gain revelation and answers to our personal challenges and questions?  I know that Thomas S Monson is a Prophet of God, and I cannot wait to hear his message to me and to the entire world :)
Much love,
Hermana Megan Chipman

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