Monday, July 29, 2013

I love to witness how the Lord moves his work along.

July 29, 2013

So crazy we are ending another transfer! In case you don't know what that is, it’s the 6 week cycle that all of the missions run on. My life is now in transfers and not in months anymore ha-ha.

Thankfully we still have another week before we find out if we are leaving or staying. So many missionaries obsess about mission gossip, and where they are going next. A little of it is fun, but I have learned from experience. Whatever happens is going to come from left field. I know that nothing is a surprise to an all-knowing and loving Heavenly Father, but I firmly believe that he enjoys giving his children surprises.....reminds me of you mom ;).
PS that sister missionary is one of my very dear friends Sister Nichols :). (Megan is talking about a missionary who posted some pictures of her on facebook this week) Did you know she is a cousin of ours? Well she is a descendent from Jacob Hamblin at least...(which btw there also is an Elder Maughn in my district too ha-ha). She is home now, so that is how she is on facebook. Funny story about her (which there are many). She has been serving in a family Spanish ward on the island before she went home. Every time she met a YSA she would tell them that I was her cousin. And so every week members of the branch would come up to me and say that they met my cousin and how crazy it was we were serving in the same mission! ha-ha If she is reading this, I hope she knows we are praying for her and missing her and hope she is getting healthy!

This past Sunday was INCREDIBLE. Last night, and this morning, my companion and I have been relishing in the miracles and success that God has allowed us to experience in the time that we have been here, and they poured out yesterday. When we first got here to this Young Single Adult branch. There were about 7 sisters that came to Relief Society (the women's organization of the church), one was the president, one was the counselor, and two of us were the missionaries, maybe 1-or 2 YSA sisters and then a couple of the Branch Presidency's wives. The Relief Society President was in a panic because her counselor was moving back to UT and there were no other active sisters that could fill her role. One of the first things we did was meet with our mission leader to find where we should focus (All of Long Island is a large area to cover ha-ha) and he really emphasized the RS and finding that counselor. We held a fast with the RS president that the Lord would provide us with a RS counselor and lead us to find her, our ward mission leader also participated in the fast.
Alright, now fast forward to this Sunday. During ward council meeting, the RS president was able to submit 3 names for a FULL PRESIDENCY!!! All of which are now consistently attending the branch, 2 of which were Less-Active when we got here. And then as I was sitting on the stand at the piano during sacrament meeting. It was so cool to see 3 members of the congregation that are now coming every week that weren't there before, and one of them is now preparing to serve a mission!  Also now our Ward Mission Leader is pretty seriously dating the Relief Society President :) (No wonder he was so interested in focusing on Relief Society ha-ha) We may not have seen convert baptisms yet, but we are experiencing real growth and doing the work the Lord sent us here to do.

It is interesting too. Because we did NOTHING to bring this success in. Yes we did feel prompted to "look each of them up" and so we knocked on each of these individuals doors or called them, but couldn't find them. But then to see them two weeks later, to come to church on their own accord, and ready to repent and be active again has been astounding. And then to watch the branch encircle them, and "catch them" that's what being a missionary all is about.

One of my favorite parts of serving a mission, is to start with a lists (and in our case lists and lists and lists! ha-ha) of names, and to have nothing but your faith in God and the spirit. And to just witness how the Lord moves His work along one prompting and heart at a time. Also to recognize that each name is a child of God, and as we seek for them, He is seeking for them too. So often we knock on people's doors, and we find members of the church (often not even on our lists). And they look at us astounded, and say "How did you find me?" And at that it is mine and my companion's privilege to state that we are representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ and that He has always known where you are. He is the Good Shepherd and knows His sheep. Also, on the flip side, if they didn't want us to find them. Hiding from us, is like hiding from God, if its God's will that we find them, we will ha-ha.

I love you all! Allie, I can't believe how tall you are! Thanks for your letters and concern and prayers! I love you all!

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