Monday, July 22, 2013

Steffi committed to Baptism

First off, health wise, I am doing a lot better. This weekend was full of absolute miracles. It was interesting. As we prayed about and planned for the exchanges this week, we felt directly prompted to move Patchogue to next week and still do Terryville on Saturday. Fast forward Friday, I was feeling pretty terrible, and incredibly dizzy and really couldn't get out of bed. But I still felt we needed to go to Terryville and teach one of our investigators on our way there. About 5pm that day we decided to still go, and we prayed together specifically to confirm our choice of still going and for a miracle that I would have to strength to follow through with it. Instantly I was filled with the spirit and I knew it would be hard but that it would be okay. We immediately packed our things and headed for  Bayport to see our new investigator Steffi.

 Steffi is a nanny from Austria who has been coming to volleyball for the past year or so. On our way, the elders called us in a panic because there was a young member who was really upset because institute had been cancelled and she cancelled plans and drove a long way to get there. The elders wanted us to talk to her, so I did, and found a very upset woman on the other line, but the spirit prompted me to listen what she had to say, and invite her to our lesson with Steffi. I had no idea who this woman was, but I followed the prompting anyway and it worked out beautifully. Turns out we had actually met this member, and it was clear she needed to be there. We had a powerful lesson about the Book of Mormon, and Steffi committed to Baptism as she finds this to be true! It was an absolute miracle and our first member present of the transfer!

Also, I have been able to work since. We got our best numbers since I got to the YSA branch, and I was sick in bed for 5 of the days! Last night, the spirit led us to 3 part-member family homes, and we were able to have powerful lessons with all three! None were YSAs, but that seems to be the pattern. We rarely find the people that we are looking for, or at least find them eligible for the singles ward (like last night, they were married with children). But our thoughts are not His thoughts.  I know Faith is real, and that we just need to keep pressing forward. We don't need to know what is ahead, just that it is going to be good :)

Love you! Miss you!

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