Monday, December 3, 2012

I finally got to go to church this week!

Hello Familia!

Wow what a crazy week and transfers are tomorrow! Sis Simplicio is "out" and going to another area for her last 2 weeks. I am "in" and so will still be here in Rego. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

It is so good to hear from everyone. Wow I miss you all. Especially the letters from those I haven't written back yet. I love you, miss you and appreciate you all!

And a shout out to my cousin Julia, CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!! If I must miss your wedding, you will have to make it up to me by sending me pictures :)

Really Cool, Elder Hallstrom from the Presidency of the Seventy came and spoke to us as part of a mission conference after our doing service on Saturday. It was really cool. He asked us two questions, "What have you learned from doing this service?" and "How will it change you?" I have really strived to take his questions to heart. I have been thinking a lot about what I have learned and how I can apply it and let it change me this next transfer and for eternity. I have always wondered what it means to have charity, "the pure love of Christ" (Moroni 7:47) and how do we know if we have it? As we were in the conference and people were answering what they had learned, the spirit forcefully entered into my heart with the thought that I have learned that charity is just as much of a verb as it is a noun. Like faith it is an action word. Jesus Christ loved people through His actions, through His atoning sacrifice we can know and see and feel that He would literally do ANYTHING at ANY cost for those that he loves. As we have been doing service, people's emotional gratitude has surprised me because I don't feel like we are doing anything spectacular. But now I realize that it is through our actions, they feel our love for them and even more importantly God's love for them. In a sense we are just acting as windows to that love and that is quite spectacular. I have been praying and fasting to know my "new purpose" as I move forward, and the spirit has taught me that it is to show my love to others through my actions, in other words, show charity and be that window to heaven’s love.

Miracles of this week: I am able to speak Spanish better than I ever have, and I haven't had a language study in a transfer. The gift of tongues is real. I still struggle of course, but now almost every time I “fearless”someone in Spanish. They get a really weird look on their face and ask where I am from. They aren't used to a "blonde" (at least compared to them ha-ha) Gringa (American woman) speaking confidently to them. When I say I am from the United States, they brighten up and compliment me on my Spanish. Often times it is really funny, because I have only said a few simple phrases to them, but amazing what the Lord can do.

I finally got to go to church this week! It was my first time in almost 6 weeks. It was incredible! Anita and Saul came with their daughter-in-law and new granddaughter to have her granddaughter blessed. That was their 3rd week in a row together, and I think Anita's 6th. We also had one of the Less-actives we have been working with come and bring her 2 daughters to also be blessed. Her non-member husband and mother-in-law came too. Our other investigator Hno Espinoza even participated in Sunday School. And the best part about it all, we weren't really involved in any of these things. They all came without us calling and all desired for their babies to be blessed without us being there. The Lord truly is able to do His own work.

This gospel is true and personal revelation is real. Really all we do as missionaries is invite people to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel.

Love you miss you!
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saint's Christmas ads in
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