Monday, December 31, 2012

I am really learning the power of turning to the Lord

Dear family,
I am so glad you got my package and liked it too! I am sorry about my weird camera Mom, thanks for doing all of that, I really appreciate it and will see what I can do. Thanks also for all the facebook updates WOW! A lot goes on while one is on a mission haha. I also can't believe that Sister Lingenbrink is coming here!!! If either her or Sister Maren Hale are reading this, I am SO EXCITED you will be here so soon, I will be waiting :).
Wow what a week. I feel if there has been a transforming week on my mission, its been this one. I feel that my pavillions of pride and fear are breaking down and I am able to more easily feel, and recognize His presence, aide and love. I think it is probably because of the difficult things that have occured this week. It is through conflict that we grow, it is amazing how easily we say that, but how hard it is to live it. I am grateful for a loving heavenly father who knows what He is doing. I am learning more and more the power of turning to the Lord in our difficulties. He really does see the bigger picture, and knows the hearts of all of His children. As I have turned to him to strengthen our companionship, he has lifted and blessed me and inspired me to know how to react to and treat my companions. We have also found that because of the challenges, our love for each other has grown.

Well this week has also been very cold. Oh. my. goodness! I hardly ever complain about cold, for heavens sakes I usually find it kind of fun to run in a blizzard ha ha but this is different. This cold burns and gets inside of your also probably doesn't help to be in a skirt ha ha. It sure does make us feel like missionaries :). Thank you for that coat, and the good gloves, they are perfect for this.
Random story. Remember that Independent study I did? The ISYS 100 and 101? The one you loved? ha ha Dr. Mckell the writer of those classes and the "king" of beginning ISYS at BYU is serving in my mission now with his wife! I met them one evening and I made the connection only after talking for a little bit.
I am really learning the power of turning to the Lord and working under His power and guidance. He really does guide this work, I testify to that. There has been several occasions where I really didn't know what to do, and my own wisdom made a mess of things, and I fall on my knees or take a deep breath, close my eyes and ask for help. Almost each and every time, a clear thought pops into my head. Sometimes it is something I need to do, sometimes it is a person we need to visit, sometimes its a comforting memory of my family or other loved ones, but every time it is from the Lord.
I am grateful to be here and love you all so much. I really miss you! Sorry this is so short!

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