Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The flu is here and I've been in bed for 4 days. . .

Sent Wednesday, January 9, 2013 7:20 pm
Hi! So the flu is here too and I have been in bed for 4 days......and am sitting up long enough to email you guys at the senior couples home. I love you! I am working on an iPad so my email might take a second....ha-ha
So yes, sis Madsen got the stomach flu on Thursday so we wanted to make a quick trip to the downstairs deli to grab her some sprite....bad idea. Funny story. The deli owners recognize us as from the church and they were asking us questions. Just as I was about to hand them a card, my poor companion ran out of the store and got sick right there on the side walk. I chased after her as my other companion finished buying her snacks. Sis Gonzalez came out, saw what was happening. Thankfully sis Madsen was alright. Of course while I saw it all, one of my first thoughts were yikes! Sis Gonzalez can go and tell them. Though, Sis Gonzalez looked at me and said, "I am awkward! You go!" so I went. Thankfully they were gracious and when we stopped by again today, they were eager to know how sis Madsen was. I am so grateful for the amazing people here in this city. Crazy mission stories ha-ha
Sis Madsen was down on Thursday, sis Gonzalez was down on Friday. The second sis Gonzalez was feeling bad, we bought sanitizing supplies and attacked the place, I also had been drinking Emergen-c that whole week.....all to no avail (that stuff isn't full proof) ha-ha. Saturday I was feeling really badly, but I needed to play piano at a baptism and we had some critical appointments we really felt we needed to go to. I prayed so hard that this flu would hold off till 9pm, when we would be home. The Lord did just that.
The baptism was beautiful and it was for a women named Cathy from Ecuador . She actually left her husband Angel a little while back. Angel soon after was introduced to the missionaries and the church though his sister. He quit his drinking and smoking, set his life in order, and soon was baptized. He later sent a book of Mormon with his testimony to Cathy. She read it, felt the spirit, came back to him, saw the changes he made and demanded to meet with the missionaries. Angel was able to baptize her. It was sacred and wonderful to be apart of her baptism and to, in a small way, witness how Jesus Christ heals and saves family relationships. This gospel really is true and blesses families. I am grateful the Lord let me be apart of it.
Don't worry about me, the Lord takes really good care of his instruments. It has been hard being in bed for 4 days but I have spent almost the whole time watching those church history seminary videos. Really hard to feel discouraged and self pity while watching the faith of missionaries like Heber C Kimball and Brigham Young as they roll out of their sick beds to leave their families again to serve the Lord :). Hurrah for Israel !
I love you and miss you a lot! Trust in the Lord, he really does know our problems and suffered and died so he can help us and deliver us.
Can't wait to see where you are going Stephen!!!! I would say dad can check and see if a call has been assigned as early as tomorrow, and after that it will only be till that Wednesday or Thursday. That is if they haven't changed it since the influx of calls.
Love you and pray for each of you every day :)

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