Monday, January 14, 2013

It breaks my heart to leave Rego Park

Buenisima Familia,

Hello again! This email is a little late because I still can't do much and so thankfully a senior couple let me use their computer again.

Also, as of tomorrow, I am officially no longer a "greenie" (new missionary). I have finished my "12 week" training program (even with the delay of Superstorm sandy). I have passed my 6 month mark (crazy!), my trainer has gone home (We sure miss you Sis Simplicio!!!), and I am being transferred out of my first area tomorrow.

I have no idea where I am going, it could be somewhere here in Queens, maybe Brooklyn, or maybe I will get to serve in the Island (Long Island). Wherever it is, I know it is where the Lord needs me. I met with President today and he told me that the Lord was clear and direct about where I needed to go. I am excited, and it is hard to leave Rego, I really have grown to love the people here. And being so sick, I can't say very many goodbyes, but its better that way. I feel like it broke my heart to leave BYU, my heart broke again when I left you guys at home, it broke when I left all the amazing people at the MTC, and it is breaking again as I leave Rego. But there are more people to find, love, help, and lift ahead. It's just like the theme of one of my favorite movies, Meet the Robinsons. Keep Moving Forward!

Oh so as far as health goes, I will be okay :). I received a blessing from President today and already am feeling better. This past transfer has been hard, but I feel it will forever change me. I am excited for the work ahead.

Dad, I love the plan! Sounds like something straight from Preach my Gospel :) It says in the section of working with members (in the chapter of finding) that nothing will fire members more up about missionary work than being taught the doctrine of Christ.

Also just a couple things we have found here. Activities are an AMAZING way to help members invite their friends. The Spanish wards here in some ways survive on activities. Some of them are so good year after year, that many of their non-member friends come every time. If anything Hispanics know how to feed and throw a party ha-ha. Many of the referrals we get in rego are friends of members who come to these activities and want to be taught by the missionaries because of it.

Also, nothing seems to get people excited for missionary work like coming out with the missionaries. At least here, we are always trying to get people to come out with us. Members are often KEY to successful appointments and their testimonies are invaluable. Honestly, I didn't know members were so necessary in appointments until I got to the MTC.

STEPHEN YOUR MISSION CALL IS ASSIGNED????!!!??? How exciting is that? I love how the whole world will know what it is before me ha-ha. Good Luck! I know it is hard to think of leaving BYU (Believe me, I think that was the hardest thing for me), but one thing that helped me was to realize and remember that every blessing (friends, running, good grades, dating) I had at BYU and in my life came from my loving Heavenly Father. What better way to show my gratitude to Him for all that He has given me, then giving that life to the Lord? Even for a little time? I have faith that better things are ahead for us. As we trust in God and turn to Him, we really have nothing in this world to fear. I am excited for you! You will never regret your decision to serve. Get buckled in and ready for the best roller coaster of your life (at least this far into it anyway ha-ha).

Well I love you all and can't wait to hear how your weeks go! And where you will go Chip! This work is true and that call is straight from a prophet of the most high God. Never Forget that.

Love, Megan

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