Monday, January 28, 2013

I can feel God guide our footsteps

Well family, it has been an interesting, heart-changing, challenging and good week. Though I feel like EVERY week in the mission field is like that. I am still in flushing, but I have a new companion. Sis Reid had to go home this week due to some health problems that she has been struggling with. It was heart breaking to see her go, because I know how much she wanted to stay and work, also I really loved being her companion. But nonetheless, I am very grateful that she is recuperating and safe.

So this week was really up in the air. She got a call on Thursday night, that she was leaving Friday morning (She knew she was leaving, but not that quickly). And so on Friday I spent the day back in Rego with the English "traveling sisters” there (Traveling sisters are new in our mission, essentially they act as leadership for the sisters) while president prayed and figured out what to do from there. It was incredible on Friday because even though I had NO idea what was going to happen, where I would be, who I would be with, I knew that God was in it and that this was His will and that He would put me exactly where He needed me. I was filled with so much peace and comfort that everything would be okay and exactly how God wanted it. Also we were able to teach a powerful first lesson to one of their new investigators Dave. He was so moved by this first meeting, that he asked if it would be okay and appropriate if he could take a picture of us, because he could feel that He was beginning an important journey. The spirit was so strong, and I am grateful I could take part of it. I also got to spend the night with the Rego Spanish Sisters, my last companions. It was fun to be with them again too.

After a lot of thought and prayer, President felt that I needed to stay in flushing and keep the "Pool" (essentially the group of investigators we have) going. He called Sister Lee, who is an English Sister and who actually was one of my roommates in the MTC, if she would switch to Spanish for the next 3 weeks and be my companion. She is INCREDIBLE and has a lot of faith and courage to take on the challenge. So now I am the "veteran" here in flushing (only 2 weeks!) and the Spanish speaker. I have been tempted at times to get overwhelmed, but I try to remember that peace and love that I felt on Friday that everything will be okay, and I know it will be. It also makes me that much more grateful that I got to serve Sis Simplicio who taught me to relax and have fun! Sis Lee and I actually did something that I hadn't done with my companions before. Soon after we got all of her suitcases into the apartment, we both felt the need to pray, because we both knew that there would be no other way that we could do this. So we started our companionship with a prayer and called down the powers of heaven to help us. I don't know if I have ever offered such a sacred, clear, desperate and heartfelt prayer in my life, and as I offered it, I could feel the spirit fill both of our hearts and the room. I know God is with us, and I can feel him guide our footsteps. This work is true, there is no other way Sis Lee and I would be able to be doing what we are doing if it wasn't.

I love you guys and am glad you are doing so well. I am so grateful for you and miss you a lot.



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