Megan and the areas she helped with clean up
Thanksgiving Day
The Turkey bowl
Merry Christmas again :) So weird to think that I have been
able to communicate with you everyday this week. Thanks for the pictures and
that 2nd Jib Jab, wow we are awesome! But one question....why did I end up as
the kid who gets his (well I guess her ha-ha) tongue stuck on the pole....ha-ha.
The rest of our Christmas was good. After I got done talking
to you, I chatted with the Elder and Sister Gulbransen (the senior couple)
while my companions finished up. We later went to another Senior Couple's apt
for dinner with some of the other missionaries. My first meal without rice in a
long time. It was really good and a lot of fun.
After we were done, I learned how sensitive one of my
companions a really hard way. I have been learning this all week, but
it peaked yesterday. That is all I really can say about that except for the
fact that I am learning that one of the hardest parts of serving a mission can
be working in companionships. So I am learning, and changing and growing and
trying to get it to work. Anyway, we finished our Christmas by visiting one of
our investigators who was spending x-mas alone. She was grateful for our
Despite the difficulties, it has been a really good week. We
miraculously found a new investigator named Jugo (which means juice :) ). We
finally got in touch with his mother (who is an investigator also), and he was
there when we visited. Almost at the exact same time we all three got a strong
prompting that He needed a Book of Mormon. Sis Madsen and I actually pulled out
books from our bags at the exact same time. He was receptive and wanted to come
to church......AND HE DID!!! His mother wasn't able to, but at the appointment,
she testified that she knew the Book of Mormon is the word of God because she
prayed and received her confirmation and answer from heaven that it was true.
She said that she felt the exact same peace and spirit as she read it as she
does the Bible. Really cool and powerful testimony. Sad, but when we heard her
testify, we could hardly believe our ears. It is amazing the experiences we
have when we ACTUALLY read the scriptures, particularly the Book of Mormon.

I love you and really miss you!!! It was so good to see you
all, even if it was over skype. Have a great next week together :)
And chipper, I am so proud of you! Waiting for that call can
be the longest weeks of your life...except for your 1st week in the MTC ha-ha.
Till Monday :)
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