Monday, December 10, 2012

We had our last day of service on Saturday

Hello family!

I loved your emails and can't believe the craziness with my parents with a smart phone and i pad. Allie wrote me an email about the whole thing traumatizing is traumatizing me too, I am trying not to think of it ha-ha.

I love hearing how everyone is doing. Give Natalie a big High 5 for me! That's Awesome! Also Allie congrats on your big award! Great things are to come for sure! Have fun at winter training, and keep Dalby in line for me ;) ha-ha.

Well remember how I told you transfers would be interesting? Well what we were thinking came to pass (with so few sisters in the mission you can put pieces together). Anyway I love my new companion and know these things are done by revelation. My new companion is Sister Imende. She is from a city 11 hours outside of Nairobi, Kenya. She is wonderful and I am learning a lot. She is actually an English missionary and is in the Spanish program for her last 2 weeks of the mission (She goes home in a week). Because of the hurricane, hardly any of us "new" missionaries got our 12 week training and so we are being "re-trained" this transfer. The other 2 sisters serving in the ward moved into our apt and are "re-training" me in the mornings. When Sis Imende leaves, I will be in a 3-some with them. Interesting eh?

Sadly she has been incredibly ill and so has been in bed most of the time. The other sisters and I are taking turns in working our areas and staying with her. This past week has felt like a whirlwind trying to get back into some sort of a proseylyting groove. We were proselyting before, but only as much as we could. There wasn't any goals, weekly planning, meetings. We called it a "Marshall Law transfer." I felt like Elder John Groberg catching up with all the teaching records and area book work for the past 2 transfers this week ha-ha. I will be honest; I was pretty overwhelmed with everything for the First two days. I was just taken a back at the trust my Heavenly Father and President had in me to keep work going in an area with hardly 1 transfer worth of experience and my limited language skills. On top of it all, the ward is having a Christmas party and Christmas program and I am the only person who can play piano, man I wish I was better at sight reading! Or at least if I were better at Spanish so I could understand the Choir director's directions ha-ha. I am just doing the best as I can and I have the faith and know that God knows that I am. It is not going to be perfect, probably far from. But I am giving it what I have and I know as it says in Moroni that His Grace will be sufficient for me as I keep seeking Him and trusting and trying. I am learning that is a lot of what a mission is, trusting and trying. I am feeling the spirit carry me more than ever before, and the Spanish and miracles just continue to unfold. The labor is truly qualified for his hire.

We had our last day of service on Saturday. We went to Far Rockaway again and served with Members who drove down from the Syracuse Stake. It was pretty unreal shoveling my last snow shovel of moldy dry-wall ha-ha. I really am sad; it was an incredible opportunity to just love people. As my president said, the work we are getting back into is even more important and urgent because people are living with sin and fear and doubt that is quite literally rotting their soul so they need the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ to clean them out and change them. This work is dirtier and the effects and progress are not as easily seen as giant piles of trash, but it is our work now. It was also really cool because EVERYONE knew who we were. They had seen us around or on TV. It is weird gaining attention from a world that we have so little contact with. As we were driving home to home, there were many other groups helping out, out and lugging things out. (Kind of makes us wonder where everyone was 6 weeks ago when there still wasn't mold), but it is neat to be able to silently pass the baton and just fade in the background. Thank you for all of your prayers, packages and support.

I got the packages. Thank you SO much! I LOVE the coat. Very NYC and I feel very pretty in it, which doesn't happen very often as a missionary ha-ha. And one of my companions wants me to put those gifts under the tree (Yes we found a small one!), but I can't do it. I am keeping them safe in the box where I won't get too excited ha-ha. I will be sending a box this week with your x-mas gifts, and some of the service stuff I don't need anymore.....I think most of it I will just throw it out....knowing where they have been ha-ha.

I really miss you a lot and pray for you everyday. I am so grateful for the opportunity to come from such a wonderful and loving and awesome family. You are all great, you really are. I hope you are feeling better Stephen and that you are surviving finals (I know you are rocking them!). I hope you all have a really fun break too.

It means a lot to have your support out here. Makes you not seem so far away :). I know Jesus Christ lives and that this is His church restored. I know the Book of Mormon, I just finished it, and the truthfulness of it fills everything that I am. What an honor and privileged and blessing to have the authority and power to preach His gospel. Keep up the great work. I know it is hard, but we can do it, that is the Lord's promise to us.

Have a great week! Enjoy being together!


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