Monday, March 18, 2013

Cockroaches, dangerous umbrellas, & spitting

Hola family!

Yikes I don't have much time, but what a crazy and wonderful week here in the blessed land of flushing NY!

We had quite the miracles yesterday, ORLANDO CAME TO CHURCH! We had essentially lost contact with him and were about to "drop" him, but we sent him a text inviting him and he came. I was playing the organ so I didn't see him walk in. I almost leaped out of my seat when I casually looked out on the congregation and saw him. (If any RM is reading this, you know the feeling).

We also had another investigator come to church. Her name is Ayda. She is from Ecuador as well and has a lot of close family who are members in Utah and Canada. Sis Powell and I were standing on our "Soap box corner" (it's what we call it, located at Roosevelt Ave and Main St if you want to look it up) shouting out our usual "Clases de Ingles, Gratis" We noticed her and her son walk by, and they rejected our card, but with a smile. About 2 min later, my companion noticed they had stopped just 10ft down from us and were talking and looking back at is. "Go get them” she said as she pointed. Just as I turned to see who she was talking about, they approached us, but wanted to know about the church rather than the English class. We shared a little bit of our testimonies and invited them to come to church. They didn't come last week, but Ayda came this week and LOVED it! As we introduced her to members of the rama (branch), she kept referring to us as her "Angelitas" (angels) that God put in her path. She later told us that her and her son felt something as they passed us that made them want to turn around and talk to us. She said her son left our conversation with us with more light and hope in his face than what she has seen in a long time. This is what caused her to want to come to church. Again and again and again I realize and learn that the Lord is able to use us as instruments as we are obedient and repent, even when we don't realize it when it is happening.

Some of the quirks of living in China...I mean flushing (it might as well be):

1) Spitting---Chinese people love to spit. Our silent study time is usually full of the airplanes, honking and spitting that goes around outside.

2) Cockroaches----sis Powell killed her first one! Lots of squeals and sprays but successful!

3) Umbrellas---at 5'9'' My eyeballs are in the exact path of their umbrella spikes. Yikes! ha-ha

Love and miss you! Have a great week!



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