Monday, April 15, 2013

Spring in NY is Beautiful!

Hola Familia! Como Esta?                                                                  April 15, 2013

What a week! I don't even know where to start. I guess 1st, is that New York Spring is beautiful! ALL the trees have just popped into bloom (I now know what they mean by a "popcorn" tree!) Funny story, a couple weeks ago, before the flowers started blooming, there were some pansies in a flower bed. I pointed and shouted excitedly "Pansies!" and my companion looked around bewildered and said "who?!" ha-ha (or should I say jaja in espanol :) )

So many miracles. We have now made a goal to contact and invited 10 people to church every day. Amazing how many people we have met, and just how incredible they are. We had been fearlessing (that's what we call it here) before, but it was without much direction. Now, as we are united in this goal, God is leading our feet, guiding people to us, and we are having a lot of fun with it. It is hard to describe the love that I feel for them, especially how many of them I have only spoken to for a few brief moments (about all you get here in NYC). Amazing how God loves us each individually. I know he loves them, I can feel it as I talk to them, and I can feel that they have a true desire to love and serve God. It also is amazing how true the scripture, "Perfect love casteth out all fear." As I grow in charity for the people in the streets, on the trains, at the park etc. I am not as afraid to talk to them. It is because my motive changes. It isn't about whether or not they want to listen, it's about the fact that they are a child of God, as my president says, "our eternal siblings" and deserve to know that someone cares enough about them to smile and share with them. Now I would be a complete hypocrite if I said this is how I approach it all the time, because I still at times get scared and keep walking without saying anything and what not. But I do know that missionary work is a natural consequence of love.

I love and miss you! Good luck with finals chipper, and I hope you feel better Allie!

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