Monday, April 1, 2013

There are so many new missionaries, I'm training two!

Dear Family,

It looks like you all had an awesome vacation! I didn't know my parents were so fun! He-he jk jk You always know how to have a good time, and so I am glad you took advantage of the time you had together.

And the pictures of the wedding were beautiful. Send my congrats to the happy couple :) Everyone looks very happy and grateful.

Hmmm this week, has been pretty crazy. I feel like that after 8 companions (2 English), 2 areas, 4 apartments, a hurricane and training, my mission would start to level out to somewhat of a routine at least before my 9 month mark......nope! Remember how I told you that there were more new sisters coming than who are available to train? The Lord has called me to be a trainer again. I will be staying in Flushing and continuing to train Sis Powell (we are excited to stay together!) and then a brand new missionary will be joining in on the fun. I don't know quite what to expect with a training trio, but I know it will work out. However crazy everything has been, I know that like life, my mission has been and will continue to be catered to exactly what I need, and even more importantly what the people here need. I am learning that is what the atonement (or sacrifice) of Jesus Christ is all about, He came, lived, suffered and died so that He could know how to "succor His people" (Alma 7:11-12) according to their infirmities and needs. As we trust in Him, we find the peace in knowing that no matter what is ahead, however good or bad, it is for our good and catered to fit and shape us to be worthy of His presence in this life and in the life to come.

Just a note, please keep Sis Powell and her family in your prayers. Her uncle (Mom's brother) Just past away from cancer this past Tuesday and I know it has been devastating for them. Really interesting how being through similar tragedies, it has really allowed me to empathize with her and her family. I don't understand perfectly, but I do feel for them especially for her. Makes me think of how the Savior must feel as he watches us struggle with our hardships that he took upon himself in the Garden. I know He understands perfectly, what greater love can there be?

Funny story: You know you are in the middle of your mission when.....The mail box is right in front of our apt door, and one day the mail man said, "Hi sister Powell! and I don't know your name.” “You don't get enough mail.." ha-ha-ha. I still get enough, no worries, just funny!

Again, sorry so short. this silly computer is cutting me short. But know that I love you and praying for you! I miss you a lot too!

Good Luck with your callings! In the words of a living prophet, "When we are on the Lord's errand, we are entitled to His help" (Pres Monson).


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